As 2019 winds down we thought we would share with you the most-read stories of the year. Let’s start with No. 9 and work our way backward.
#9 Editorial cartoons relevant across digital media
Turns out that editorial cartoons have not gone the way of the dodo. The fabulous Marshall Ramsey tells us how digital tech has meant new life for the genre.
#8 Why TV stations still do sweeps pieces…and shouldn’t
Forty years after the first special reports were produced for local newscasts, we reconsider the value of creating this content just four times per year.
#7 Clickbait headlines grow mainstream media
You may hate to see this, but researchers have found that clickbait seems to work on at least one level (sigh).
#6 Brand, technology seen as leys to the future of TV news
It can be hired for a news manager to know what to prioritize. We get some thoughts from contributor and TV news management mensch Hank Price.
#5 Can higher salaries improve TV news?
Call it, editorial license or an editor’s rant, but this piece calls on TV news managers to rethink what they pay their employees.
#4 Best job in TV news? Weather
Why do audiences love their meteorologists so much? We profile one popular weathercaster to find out why he’s passionate about the job and why he thinks his viewers are crazy about him.
#3 The biggest hiring challenges in local TV news
Knowing what hiring managers need from job candidates is important for journalists hunting for work and for educators trying to prepare the next generation.
#2 Should TV general managers only come from sales?
A provocative question and thoughtful exploration of the topic.
#1 Why journalists use social media
Our most popular academic research round-up took a look at how important social media has become for journalists — from how they use it to what they use it for.
Thanks for reading and Happy New Year!
Your Editorial Team