Two university professors from Austria and Chile explored that citizens’ mistrust of media and their perception of media bias widened in past years particularly in western countries. The information came out after conducting a survey on US people by the University of Vienna Professor Alberto Ardèvol-Abreu and Universidad Diego Portale professor Homero Gil de Zúñiga.
The professors also shed light on the issue that how the citizens’ negative observations on media could influence their traditional, social, and citizen media outlets for getting the news. The perceived media bias was responsible for citizens’ move toward different, alternative sources of information as they consider them as less biased or free of bias, according to the study conducted in two waves of three months span time from December 2013 to March 2014.
The study results also indicated that both the media trust and perceived bias differently relate to media consumption. Regardless of the type of news media, the perceived media bias has negative effects on news use, showed the study where a total of 2837 respondents participated through an online survey.
To read the full article:
Alberto A, Homero G D Zúñiga, Effects of Editorial Media Bias Perception and Media Trust on the Use of Traditional, Citizen, and Social Media News. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 94(3), 703 – 724.