The COVID-19 pandemic had an increase in social media networking sites usage (SMNSU), loneliness, social anxiety, and depression. A 39-question survey was conducted on 244 blended learning undergraduate students from universities in Hunan province, China. The results showed that social media has positive and negative effects on students during an unprecedented time.
In many studies, the positive effects of social media outweigh the negatives. The positives include interacting with relatives, friends, colleagues, family, etc. The negatives are social isolation, depression, anxiety, etc. This survey focused on the negative outcomes that social media has on mental health. During the COVID-19 pandemic, students felt like they were missing out on experiences and seeing peers face-to-face. The survey asked about SMNSU (10 items), loneliness (12 items), social anxiety (6 items), and depression (11 items) using a 7-point Likert-type scale. The survey asked for the participant’s gender, field of study, and cumulative grade point average.
The researchers’ findings concluded that there were directly correlated relationships between SMNSU and depression. Social anxiety and loneliness were also directly correlated to depression. The COVID-19 pandemic caused a health crisis worldwide and students were in stressful situations. Classes were moved to online rather than face-to-face, which caused loneliness and little social interaction. Teachers, psychologists, and university counselors were guiding students through the unprecedented time. Their primary job was to help students avoid loneliness, depression, and anxiety.
The study had a few limitations, so future research can be done in many areas. For example, undergraduate students in China were selected for the study, but post-graduates can be used for the next study. The next study can go more in-depth into the psychological implications of the pandemic including fear of getting the virus, virtual relationships, etc.
Iqbal, J., Asghar, M. Z., Ashraf, M. A., & Rafiq, M. (2022). Social Media Networking Sites Usage and Depression Among University Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Mediating Roles of Social Anxiety and Loneliness. Social Media + Society.