Social media outlets represent a major part journalists’ efforts to maintain their personal brands. This study, by Cara Brems, Martina Temmerman, Todd Graham and Marcel Broersma, looks at the use of Twitter and explores some of “the reasoning behind, the construction of and the external factors that influence the personal branding of journalists.”
The researchers focused specifically on “investigating and exploring the self-presentation of Dutch and Flemish employed and freelance journalists on Twitter.” The researchers found that journalists particularly struggle with finding the balance between being factual and opinionated, being personal and professional, how to balance broadcasting their message with audience engagement and how to promote themselves strategically.
To read the full text of the study:
Cara Brems, Martina Temmerman, Todd Graham and Marcel Broersma (2017) Personal Branding on Twitter, Digital Journalism, 5:4, 443-459, DOI: 10.1080/21670811.2016.1176534